横じゃなくて、縦に入れるんだね。チェーンリングがあたるなあ、と思ってたけど。古いせいじゃなかったんだね。 さあ沖縄に出発だ!!明日ね。 明日からツールド沖縄です。 130km(奥間→名護) 勝ちたいな。 2 years. Finally I found that I have used the bicycle carring bag in a wrong way.The bicycle should be put as standing,not laying.I thought the chain-ring touches a ground because of old model.But it was not.My mistake. Let's go to OKINAWA island!! tomorrow. I have a race in Okinawa named TOUR DE OKINAWA. 130km(OKUMA town → Nago city) I want to win! PR |