アートディレクターを務めるブランド「WAGU」の新商品の石鹸でした。 2Dからついに3Dの世界に飛び出した2兄、尊敬です。 石鹸は無添加で、アトピーだった僕にも安心な設計。箱を開けるとほのかに香る梅酒の香り。未だかつてない感じの「和」な石鹸です。その完成度にモノの作り手としての誇りと「愛」を感じます。愛されて出来上がった製品だな、と。及ばずながら僕もいろいろ手作りするのが好きです。世の中にある形あるモノたちはきっと、すべて誰かの愛を受けてできあがっているのだな、と思う今日この頃です。 都内、ミッドタウンなどで入手可能なようです。 機会があったらお手に取ってみてください。お正月の贈り物に、粋ですよ。 ちなみに同じく2兄はアートディレクターとしてmixiの年賀状サービスの一つにも関わっているらしいです。売り切れちゃったけど。 I received a present from my brother.It was a soap of WAGU brand's new product.He is an art director of WAGU.This soap is the first "3D" product of him.I respect him that he jumped into the "3D" from "2D". The soap is made with no alergy,so I can use with no worry though I had an atopy alergy before.When you open the box the flegrance of [Ume-shu(the alchole of plum)] spread around.I have never seen such kind of "wa"style soap.I feel a pride and "LOVE" as a producer of him.I feel the soap was made with love.I also like to make stuffs by hands.I feel all the products in this world are made receiving someone's LOVE. You can get at the Tokyo Mid-town.If you have a chance please try it.It will be good for the gift at new year. P.S. He is an art director of some serevice in the MIXI.He draw the picture of one of the New year's letter.But it is already sold out.. PR |
Hi, hiroqui, your brother is an art director?! Wahoo~~He's so respectable! And he must draw very well! You brothers, one take sport as profession, and another take art as profession. That's interesting!
That's not fair...(;_;)/ You have holidays for newyear celebration two times! And you have a winter vacation for more than 1month!! OK, you have much time to study harder and work!It's joke. But it sounds nice! If I have a chance to be a student again,I will be a chinese student.