Hi, Hiroqui. It's been a long time i haven't showed myself here. I'm sorry. Because i was busy with my graduation thesis, and then i'm gonna get ready for my final examination. Hu~~such a big stress! And i'm begin to worry about my future, you know, after my graduation. What can i do? With the global financial crisis and the increasingly bankrupt companies, finding a job is more and more difficult. Last week, i went to a recruitment fair, and it disappointed me so much that most of the companies didn't want english majors. Because the financial crisis makes many industies depressed, especially the foreign trad. The companies thought we english major as a limited knowledge major, what we have is just the language skills. Next year, we have 6,000,000 graduates together. It's much more than this year. But the unemployment is increasing rapidly and will be worse next year. So, that's really a bad situation and big challenge for me! My god~~i must push myself to work harder. Terrible!!!
Oh~~I almost forget it. I want to beg a favour of you. It is an address of one of my Japanese friends. She wrote in English. But i don't know how to translate it into Japanese. Because i don't familiar with the name of Japanese places. Would you please help me to translate it? Thank you so much! Here is the address:
Hi yumisan
First,I say お疲れ様でした to you.I'm glad to hear that you seem to be able to graduate.
No~~It is just on time! Thank you so much! It is very kind of you to give such a detailed explaination. |