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[09/18 まょ♪]
[02/21 hiroqui]
[02/21 Q]
[02/19 HIROQUI]
[02/18 まょ♪]






    答 わかんないけど危ない
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    • コメント:5
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    Hi, Hiroqui. It's been a long time i haven't showed myself here. I'm sorry. Because i was busy with my graduation thesis, and then i'm gonna get ready for my final examination. Hu~~such a big stress! And i'm begin to worry about my future, you know, after my graduation. What can i do? With the global financial crisis and the increasingly bankrupt companies, finding a job is more and more difficult. Last week, i went to a recruitment fair, and it disappointed me so much that most of the companies didn't want english majors. Because the financial crisis makes many industies depressed, especially the foreign trad. The companies thought we english major as a limited knowledge major, what we have is just the language skills. Next year, we have 6,000,000 graduates together. It's much more than this year. But the unemployment is increasing rapidly and will be worse next year. So, that's really a bad situation and big challenge for me! My god~~i must push myself to work harder. Terrible!!!
    What about Japan? Are you better than us? I guess so, after all, you are the developed country in Asia. Right?

    • 2008年12月05日金
    • ゆみさん
    • 編集


    Oh~~I almost forget it. I want to beg a favour of you. It is an address of one of my Japanese friends. She wrote in English. But i don't know how to translate it into Japanese. Because i don't familiar with the name of Japanese places. Would you please help me to translate it? Thank you so much! Here is the address:
    Oh~~and how to write the envelope in a Japanese way? お疲れ様でした!

    • 2008年12月05日金
    • ゆみさん
    • 編集


    Hi yumisan
    Sorry to late!
    About the address, it seems to be
    音羽女子学生会館 4-45-9 大塚 文京区

    and when you write in japanese way
    112-0012(←post code)
    (To name)様

         (your address and name)
    It is opposit way to in english.
    "様" is "Mr.""Mrs.""Ms.""Miss".(Men and women are common)

    I think it is here.↓

    Is it too late?
    I wish this comment help you.


    First,I say お疲れ様でした to you.I'm glad to hear that you seem to be able to graduate.
    Heriing from you,it seems to be harder situation than in japan.
    It is advantage to be able to use English.I think almost japanese graduates know Englsh,but they don't know how to use it...So once someone speak a little English,people think "He is good at speaking Englsh.He can negotiate with foreign company."and he will be in international section.(It is a little bit exaggeration but not lie.)Because most people don't want to speak in English if they don't have to in japanese company.

    Englsh can be a weapon to win the race. But it is the only one side of your charm.You can find another weapon in yourself. Finally I think what important is not what skill you have,but what you will do in the future. Don't so hurry, you will find your company which just fit to you.

    cheer up!がんばれ!


    No~~It is just on time! Thank you so much! It is very kind of you to give such a detailed explaination.
    What you said about English using in Japan seems make sense. I don't know your English education. But in China, there are really so many people who are good at English and speak fluent English. That' s really not a big deal for a university graduate to communicate in English. I am not an excellent English-speaking person, at most, a mediun one. So, the domestic situation of China is very unfavourable for us. But, i'll never lose my heart. I am just a sunshine girl who will smile to the storm! Huhuhu~~~~
    Again, thank you for your listening and encouragement! 我会加油的!

    • 2008年12月10日水
    • ゆみさん
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